A part of me. For free.
Featured Films
The Majestic Life of Seals
The Majestic Life of Seals
Seals. They are beautiful.
National Treasure 3:
National Treasure 3:
The Ultimate Treasure
The Ultimate Treasure
The JaredTV+ exclusive you've been waiting all week for.
A Horror Movie
A Horror Movie
Don't ask questions. Just watch it.
Dogs of New York
Dogs of New York
Jared loves New York. And Jared loves dogs. So what better way to enjoy his four-day trip to NYC than to pull out his phone every ten seconds to record every dog!
Please note: It is advised to take Dramamine before watching this feature.
House Hunters:
House Hunters:
Global Empire
Global Empire
Join a cute couple on their journey to find the perfect home in the perfect place to build their empire: Provo, Utah.
Horse Eats Apple
Horse Eats Apple
You know you want to watch it.
Close Encounters of the Second Kind
Close Encounters of the Second Kind
This nature documentary takes viewers into a harrowing encounter with a primate. Viewer discretion is advised.
There's so much more to discover!